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Earn double points with two new CPDs from Rockfon

Rockfon has used its knowledge and technical expertise to create two informative and enjoyable RIBA-accredited CPDs designed to explain the unique benefits of stone wool acoustic ceiling and wall solutions, their suitability for all indoor environments and the design freedom that can be achieved.

Both CPDs offer double points and meet the RIBA core curriculum subjects of Designing and Building it: design, construction, technology and Engineering and Compliance: legal, regulatory, statutory frameworks and processes.

The CPDs have been very well received with an excellent response as one architect at a major firm expressed: “My colleagues and I were impressed with the CPD from Rockfon. We loved the discussion on architecture and how we can achieve the best performance results without having to compromise on the aesthetics. Rockfon really understands our needs and challenges when it comes to acoustics and design.”

CPD: Interior Acoustic Surfaces for Monolithic Architecture is a must for all architects and designers involved in monolithic building designs.

Traditionally, to achieve good acoustics a tiled, suspended ceiling would bee installed. But now, there is no need to compromise on the aesthetic appearance of your project as monolithic systems made from naturally occurring stone wool, can achieve Class A sound absorption and also a totally smooth and seamless surface.

Topics covered:
• What is Monolithic architecture?
• Designing for both the eyes and the ears.
• Traditional ways of achieving monolithic acoustic finishes.
• Today’s modern, monolithic solution to achieve great aesthetics and acoustics.
• The unique benefits of stone wool monolithic acoustic ceiling and walls.
• The creative options available for any commercial or residential project that requires a smooth and elegant monolithic surface with outstanding sound absorption for acoustic comfort.

CPD: Natural Benefits of Stone Wool for Acoustic Ceilings and Walls explains how to create beautiful, healthy spaces which protect people from unwanted noise and the spread of fire while making a valuable contribution towards a sustainable future.

Rockfon manufacture a comprehensive range of acoustic solutions including ceiling tiles, baffles, wall absorbers and islands, all made from a 100% stone wool core. The benefits include:

• Superior design, aesthetics and ease of installation
• Exceptional fire resistance and acoustic characteristics
• Dimensional stability, even in up to 100% relative humidity
• Non-hygroscopic surface prevents harmful micro-organisms
• 100% recyclable – Rockfon upcycle too, reducing waste.

CPD seminars are presented by one of the Rockfon team who is happy to share their knowledge and experience to answer any questions and offer advice. The seminars are held in the architect’s office, last 45 minutes and a lunch buffet is provided. Everyone who attends receives a certificate of CPD attainment.

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